My Story

After working in the family motor engineering business I started my corporate career at KPMG (yes I am a reformed accountant !). I have worked in senior management roles at global organisations such as Apple, HP, Publicis Mojo, Miller Heiman Group and the NeuroLeadership Institute. This allowed me the unique opportunity of working in iconic global organisations led by highly motivated, creative and focused entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, Dave Packard, Bob Miller and others. This experience led to some recognition along the way for myself and the teams I was a part of such as:
Nine Times Miller Heiman Global Presidents Club
Four Times Apple Corporate Reseller of the Year Team Member
Two Times Advertising Agency of the Year Team Member
HP High Achiever Award for APAC
Bayside Business Innovative Marketing Award
In terms of qualifications, I have a Bachelor of Business with a major in Accounting and a Postgraduate degree in Applied Finance & Investment. I believe in continuous learning which led me to be certified in Leadership and Coaching with Maxwell Leadership and a Master Facilitator in Extended DISC one of only six in Australasia.
My passion for high performance I have used in my sport of yachting which led me to world and state championships and I enjoy cycling and motorcycles.
I am based in Melbourne Australia, and I am a father to three talented boys and adopted father of two labradors Bella and Ellie.
Watch my appearance on Mindset TV with Michele Gennoe here